Alan Doyle
So Let's Go CD
So Let's Go CD
Collingwood Merch Co.
2682 Concession Road 6
Collingwood ON L9Y 3Z1
Alan Doyle's second solo album, So Let's Go was made in collaboration with Thomas 'Tawgs' Salter (Lights, Walk Off The Earth), Jerrod Bettis (Adele, Serena Ryder), Gordie Sampson (Keith Urban, Willie Nelson), and Joe Zook (OneRepublic, Katy Perry). So Let's Go follows Doyle's first solo outing, Boy On Bridge. As Doyle continues to expand his musical palette So Let's Go is an overall more optimistic upbeat album than his debut.
Track Listing:
So Let's Go / I Can't Dance Without You / The Night Loves Us / Laying Down To Perish / My Kingdom / 1,2,3,4 / Stay / Sins Of Saturday Night / Shine On / Take Us Home